Introducing a documentary film that tells the story behind this innovative 1930’s trio, their dazzling jazz vocals, and a career that was so sadly cut short.
We at Sugar to Tea Entertainment are totally jazzed to share our announcement:
The film is finished! And we’re extremely proud with the results.
The film features two heavyweight New York music critics, Gary Giddins & Will
Friedwald––jazz musician & orchestra leader, Vince Giordano––Kyla Titus, co-
author of the Boswell Legacy, the definitive Boswell Sisters chronicle, and she
comes with unimpeachable credentials; she’s Vet Boswell’s granddaughter (Vet
was the youngest of the 3 sisters)––and David McCain, music historian, journalist
and Boswell Sisters authority.
“Close Harmony” chronicles the amazing story of the exceptional Boswell Sisters.
The film reveals how they created a musical revolution in their art, and it also
peels back the curtains of a charged–and often fractious–American family drama.
Over the course of five years during the darkest days of the Great Depression,
the Boswell Sisters enlivened the world of popular music with their crazy, but
intricately crafted vocal arrangements. They had grown up in New Orleans in the
early years of the 20th Century and were steeped in the mélange of blues,
classical, and gospel sounds that coursed through the city’s consciousness.
This documentary creates fresh interest in a trio that has inspired swing, country,
pop and rock vocalists from the Andrews Sisters to The Manhattan
Transfer, Bette Midler, Wynonna Judd, Diana Krall, Fiona Apple, and the list
keeps growing. For a young Ella Fitzgerald, the template on how to really put a
song over, was to imitate her favorite singer, Connie Boswell. The Boswell
Sisters music will enchant anyone who has an ear for “close harmony”
sung from the heart.